
sábado, 22 de febrero de 2014

The #SND35 winners visualized

The #SND35 contest winners visualized

North America area enlarged
Area enlarged of SND35 Awards map.
Infographic by Marco Hernández.

By: Marco Hernández 

A few weeks ago the Society for News Design published the data base of winners of the 35th edition. This, as the Malofiej awards in Pamplona, has become one of the most renowned and expected conventions in the world for news papers and magazines for all over the world. The most effective design's are recognized and the publications get an incentive for the effort of a year of hard work as well as the right to be displayed in one of the books that combined the best of print and digital media annually. 

But who they are?

The SND web site provide the information for some of the winners, highlighting the world´s best designed, the Best in show , the silver medals like this  and some others. Not to many people seen the other side, the huge data for all winners, it´s too much!... Just take a look here to the raw data from SND35, for that reason I have made some visual aids to know where are concentrated the other winners, who have more prizes and other curiosities that does not hurt to know. (just for fun) :

Adding some design for

I found some interesting things in the process, but first to get more information, you can´t forget this picture:

Simbology for each map.
Ok, now we can continue. At the beginning in this post, you saw the enlarged area from North America and Central America,  the most concentrated area of the six regions awarded. The second one it´s Western Asia; Muscat the Oman capital, has the hoard's of prizes.

Asia west area enlarged
Western Asia awarded at SND35.
Europe it's the third place of SND awards, many awards goes to european publications, but not like the Times of Oman, the most awarded publication in this contest.

Europe area enlarged.

My final delivery

I hope you like this analysis of the SND winners data, and to end this post properly I'll leave down here the complete design of the data set and some other interesting numbers. See it, explore it, and if you can leave your comments, they are always welcome.

The #SND35 winners visualized.
Infographic by Marco Hernández.
If you want to see it in full size click here

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